Bewertungen unserer lieben Kunden, die trotz der finanziellen und politischen Krisen, Epidemien und Lockdowns, Schwierigkeiten, genau wussten, dass sie ihre Kinder geboren werden wollen und gingen zu ihrem Traum jeder seinen Weg. Jemand hat vom ersten Mal das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielt, jemand hat jahrelang nach seinem Glück gesucht, aber die Hauptsache ist, dass alle zusammen mit unserem SUCCESS-Team ihren lang erwarteten Erfolg erzielt haben!

Здравствуйте, дорогие Елена и Виктория! Радуемся жизни вместе с нашим Арсенчиком. Бегаем по лужам, не сидим на месте и очень любим баловаться. Мы столько лет этого ждали. Мы так счастливы! Спасибо Вам! С большим сердцем из солнечного Еревана Карина и Карен
Both me and my husband had been researching for the best agency for surrogacy and we found Success center. After consultations and testimonials, we decided to go ahead. We flew to Ukraine and met Viktoriya, coordinator, who guided us on the first phase. Three months later, we got the positive result. Success team were always there to guide us. Julia had been updating us during pregnancy had been checking with our surrogate mother and obtaining updates from the doctor. We would like to thank all the staff in Success center for the excellent support and coordination. And most especially our surrogate mother who carried our baby, thank you so much, dear Veronika, you will always be a part of our family. Sara & Harry, Sweden
Because of your Success team, we were able to fulfil a wish to have a family. From the time that we first came in contact with your coordinator, we were sure that we wanted to do surrogacy program with you. Viktoriya took her time with us and and explained all of the the steps that we would need to take and gave us a feeling of trust towards your team. Fortunately happiness and luck were on our side! Our surrogate mother Angela became pregnant. Angela lived with us after 26 weeks of pregnancy and we took care of her. Our lives were only focused on becoming a family. Your staff and doctors, at least in Cyprus, are excellent. They also stay in touch with the IPs and make sure that things are okay. It meant a lot to us. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it possible to have Cynthia beautiful bouncing baby as a part of our lives. Karen, Netherlands
Наш сыночек, будущая звезда футбола, с нетерпение ждет сестричку и мы вместе с ним с трепетом в душе. спасибо Вам за все. Семья Кочерниковых (г. Смоленск)