Bewertungen unserer lieben Kunden, die trotz der finanziellen und politischen Krisen, Epidemien und Lockdowns, Schwierigkeiten, genau wussten, dass sie ihre Kinder geboren werden wollen und gingen zu ihrem Traum jeder seinen Weg. Jemand hat vom ersten Mal das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielt, jemand hat jahrelang nach seinem Glück gesucht, aber die Hauptsache ist, dass alle zusammen mit unserem SUCCESS-Team ihren lang erwarteten Erfolg erzielt haben!

Дорогие Виктория, Юлечка и коллектив клиники! Выражаем всем Вам благодарность за рождение нашего Мишеньки. В 2015 году Вы стали частью нашей жизни и мы будем благодарны Вам всегда, будем ценить и помнить, что Вы сделали для нас. Екатерина и Николай Соколовы (г. Уфа)
We have a wonderful experience with the Center "Success". From our first meeting, the director provided us with all the necessary information, reassured us on all issues of concern to us. Every call or letter to the clinic's e-mail had a response! We felt confident at every step. The staff are nice and polite. They foresaw not only every detail of the process, but also the emotional complexity of every decision. As the result, everything went very smoothly, and we had only positive impressions! Michael & Amelia (Switzerland)
We are sincerely grateful to "Success". After communications with many people, having talked directly to Victoria, the choice was obvious. She is attentive, explains everything in a very clear and transparent manner, and is interested in ensuring that clients are well informed and understand the essence of the process. We started the program with a realistic understanding of how and what could be, since the path to motherhood is not fast and it is difficult. It was worth it in the end. There were no problems with our surrogate mother. She brilliantly passed the protocols of the clinic, and we immediately achieved success with the first embryo transfer. Success and prosperity to your Center! David Walker (Salsbury)
My husband and I dreamed of a child for a long time and in 2018 our long-awaited princess was born. We had a special case and I couldn't bear the baby. We contacted the center on the recommendation of our acquaintances, and we didn’t regret it for a minute. The entire staff is very helpful and patient - we had a lot of questions and were always answered quickly. We were accompanied at every stage of the program, helped to organize trips and solve all current problems, provided support whenever difficulties arose, selected a wonderful surrogate mother for us, who will always be a special part of our family. Thanks to the management for having brought together the best professionals and making us happy! Paul & Helen (Canada)