Bewertungen unserer lieben Kunden, die trotz der finanziellen und politischen Krisen, Epidemien und Lockdowns, Schwierigkeiten, genau wussten, dass sie ihre Kinder geboren werden wollen und gingen zu ihrem Traum jeder seinen Weg. Jemand hat vom ersten Mal das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielt, jemand hat jahrelang nach seinem Glück gesucht, aber die Hauptsache ist, dass alle zusammen mit unserem SUCCESS-Team ihren lang erwarteten Erfolg erzielt haben!

Dear friends,
Today we have a special reason to celebrate and rejoice! We want to share wonderful news with you: a happy family who used our services has become the parents of beautiful babies!
We cannot express how in awe we are of the courage and love the parents have shown on their journey to fulfill their dream of having a child. Surrogacy is an incredibly tender act of kindness and compassion, and we are proud that our company supports such an initiative.
Throughout the entire surrogacy process, we have been by this family's side, providing all the necessary resources and assistance. Thanks to an excellent team of specialists and collaboration with our partners, we were able to ensure safe and caring conditions for the surrogate mother and the twins.
Today, we wholeheartedly congratulate the new parents on the birth of these beautiful babies! It is a moment when life is filled with joy and happiness, and we are thrilled to be a part of this story. We wish the family much joy, good health, and love in their new life together with these little angels.
We also want to express our sincere gratitude to the surrogate mother, whose generosity and love made this possible. Your kindness and selflessness have made an incredible contribution to this story, and we will never forget your generous gift.
May these wonderful babies grow up happy and healthy, surrounded by endless love and care. May each day of their lives be filled with joy and success.
Thank you Success team for making our dream come true. We had been very sceptical at first if this was nothing more than just promises. After talking to Viktoria a couple of times we were soon convinced that they are the ones to trust. Our first visit to meet the team exceeded our expectations. Viktoria, her team and the clinic were proven to be very professional and humane at the same time. We left Cyprus with a sweet taste of trust and belief that it will all be ok. And it was. Our trip had just began. The team contacted us and guided us throughout the process. They did not only took care of all the technicalities but also showed conscientiousness and cared for all our worries and replied to all our questions. What a journey, few months later we were told that we had twins. Our joy was beyond words. Now, we have two healthy boys, 25 days old that brought so much joy in our lives. Thank you Viktoria, Alyona and Julia as well as the clinic for all your effort and patience with us. We would do it again without a second thought…. And we will….
The company offer the best price of the market for surrogacy, for me was the perfect choice. From the first day I meet Victoria she offer me confidence and professionalism! That’s made me to take the decision to sight the contract whit the company. They was very fast in everything and in one year I show my dream became true! Always you will find someone to help and guide you! I am very recommend this company! And thank you for make me the happiest father!!
Il y a un an nous avons fait la connaissance de cette agence, sans savoir que allons rencontrer des personnes extraordinaires. Ils nous ont accompagnées pas à pas, tout au long de notre projet. aujourd'hui nous ressentons un immense bonheur, grâce à toute l'équipe nous sommes les heureux papas d'une merveilleuse petite fille. Vraiment un grand merci. même si les mots ne seront jamais assez forts pour dire ce que nous ressentions. Vraiment merci nous recommandons sans hésitations.